Shakeema Alonzo Shakeema Alonzo

About kirsyln

It all begins with an idea.

Having the love for entertainment since she was three years old, Kirslyn dove head first into the music industry by starting as a security guard for a local venue in Philadelphia. From there, she developed a strong need to be apart of more, and moved to freelance VIP. Being in the music industry for over 3 years, Kirslyn has worked with a variety of artists and genres spanning from Hip Hop to Kpop. Having the experience with the many genres and artists has made her understand what the fans and talents strive to have. As she completes her freelance work in the music world, she’s also a dedicated student studying Entertainment Journalism and strives to work hand-in-hand with many musical talents. The fan girl to music industry pipeline is real and achievable, and Kirslyn is the prime example of that.

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